A nested select using is still a missing basic feature from ACF. In today's tip, we are going to learn how to enable it.
A lot of plugins have incomplete guides and docs. But that shouldn't stop you from figuring out it's filters and actions. Click here to learn more.
Have you seen function like add_filter() or add_action() scattered across your Theme files? They are called Hooks and we will learn what exactly those are.
There are many overlapping Date methods in PHP and WordPress. This article will show you the best way to handle Date object.
WooCommerce is a pain to integrate with Timber. This tutorial will show you the simplest and quickest way to get started.
If you have a simple ACF Repeater Field, try replacing it with a plain Table. Other than being easier to edit, the performance is much better.
One convenient way to figure out Timber's stuff by yourself is to dump the variable and methods. We will show you how in this article.
Every WordPress site built with Timber needs Global variable because there is always some data that appears in every page like Menu and Widgets.
There are a lot of plugins to disable Gutenberg editor. But the code to disable it is actually very short and simple. So no need for plugin, just add this snippet in…
Timber works well with ACF but Flexible Content requires a bit different approach to integrate. We will take a look at how to do it here.