Let’s say you installed a Forum plugin that can create a new thread, manage your profile, change password, etc.
Then someone malicious came in and post a link that will trigger password change to “123456”. The link might say “Won $10.000” or something attractive so more people got tricked by it.
Now that person have access to the victim’s account.
This kind of attack is called CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) where a 3rd party sends a fake request. The damage can be devastating.
Is the above scenario possible? Yes, unless the plugin author added a prevention measure using Nonce.
What is Nonce?
Nonce is a randomly-generated string attached to a URL or Form to verify that an action is done by the user him/herself.
The string is one-time use and different for each user. That means it’s impossible to fake. If the nonce is not valid, we can reject the request.
Here’s a diagram showing 2 requests, 1 from the user, and 1 from a hacker that got rejected:

Hacker that posts fake data will be rejected because nonce is empty or not valid.
Is My Website Vulnerable to CSRF?
First, identify which of your link or form could cause negative effect on your site.
Something public like Contact Form is fine without nonce. What’s the worst thing that could happen anyway? Get spammed? Nonce won’t solve that.
Found Potentially harmful Form?
For example, we have the Password Change form in WooCommerce account page.
Open Web Inspector (F12) and check whether the form has a hidden field containing the nonce or not.

Yes, it has a nonce field. But to be sure, try removing that nonce field and submit the form.
Does it still change the password? In the case of Woocommerce, it fails (which is the correct behavior).
Found Potentially harmful Link?
For example, we have WooCommerce Marketplace plugin. Users can post and delete their own products.
That delete button seems dangerous right?
Open web inspector and check out the link. If it has a nonce then it’s safe:
But just to be sure, copy the link, and remove the nonce. So you have:
Then paste it in a new tab. See if your product got deleted. If it’s deleted, your site is vulnerable to CSRF.
How to Implement Nonce?
This is useful if you want to create your own form or plugin.
There are 3 ways to generate a nonce:
- wp_create_nonce() – Create a plain nonce, use it anyway you like.
- wp_nonce_url() – Appending a
parameter to a URL. - wp_nonce_field() – Echoing a hidden field containing nonce.
$nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'add_product' );
// zxcvbn678
$url = 'https://myshop.com/';
$nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( $url, 'delete_product' );
// https://myshop.com/_wpnonce=abcdef123
wp_nonce_field( 'change_password' );
// <input type="hidden" id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="qwerty123" />
Use wp_verify_nonce() by passing in the nonce and its name.
For example, the code below handles form submission:
$nonce = $_POST['_wpnonce'];
if( wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'change_password' ) ) {
// success!, process the password change
// ...
} else {
return false; // abort it
CSRF is the most common vulnerabilities found in WordPress plugins.
It is important to be cautious when choosing a plugin, especially when it has low popularity. A small amount of users means it takes longer for someone to found the loophole.
Having said that, popular plugins are not always 100% safe. But when a potential threat is found, usually it is quickly patched. So it’s important to always keep your plugins up-to-date.
That’s all, I hope you found this article useful. If you have any question, please post it in the comment below 🙂